Mission Statement

To build a dynamic Roman Catholic family of faith that seeks to encounter Jesus through the spiritual, Sacramental, catechetical, and social life of the Church. We strive to be the beacon of the light of Christ to all through joyful service and mission.

February 9, 2025

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Overcoming Discouragement

After he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.” Simon said in reply, “Master, we have worked hard all night and have caught nothing, but at your command I will lower the nets.” When they had done this, they caught a great number of fish and their nets were tearing. Luke 5:4–6 

Jesus had just cured Simon Peter’s mother-in-law as one of His first miracles. As a result of this and other miracles, Peter’s entire hometown of Capernaum, as well as many of the surrounding towns, were quickly coming to faith in Jesus. Today’s Gospel takes place during this initial excitement over our Lord. In it, Jesus personally invites Peter to become an Apostle, promising to make him a fisher of men.

There is much symbolism in this passage worth pondering. First, notice that Jesus uses something very familiar to Peter to invite Him to become one of the Twelve Apostles. He used his trade of fishing. This is similar to the way God used a star to draw the Magi, who were astrologers, to Bethlehem.

Another symbolic action Jesus uses is that of putting out “into deep water.” It was not enough to simply go a short distance from shore. Instead, the deep water was to symbolize the fact that the Gospel was to go forth to the ends of the earth, just as the fishermen were to fish in the depths of the sea.

Finally, the fact that they “caught a great number of fish” symbolizes the superabundance that would come forth through Peter’s apostolic ministry. And the fact that the “nets were tearing” points to the fullness that everyone will experience when they embark upon the mission of Christ.

Though the symbolic aspects of this Gospel passage are worth much prayerful pondering, there is another line within the Gospel that might speak to you just as powerfully. Peter had been fishing all night and had caught nothing. The fact that he relates this to Jesus suggests that he was tired and perhaps even discouraged. Any fisherman could relate to this. But the important lesson Peter teaches us is that he does not give in to that discouragement. And the reason he doesn’t give in to discouragement is because it was Jesus Who commanded him to lower the nets.

In our own lives, we can all get discouraged at times. But the real test of our fidelity to God is whether or not we continue to listen to His commands of love and respond generously, dispelling any temptations to discouragement when things do not seem to be going our way. If we can do this, it is especially in these moments that God often uses us in powerful ways.

Reflect, today, upon the voice of God in your life. What is it that you sense Him calling you to do? What is that “deep water” to which He is calling you? As you ponder this, reflect especially upon the words of Peter, “Master…at your command I will lower the nets.” Say “Yes” to the command of our Lord. Do so even if it is difficult, and especially if you do not feel like doing what He asks of you. If you do, you will find that in this act of fidelity, God will bring forth an abundance of good fruit.

My miraculous Lord, You gave a command of love to Saint Peter, and he obeyed You with generosity. As a result, You brought forth an abundant catch. Please give me the strength of will to obey all that You speak to me, so that You will bring forth an abundance of good fruit in my life also. Jesus, I trust in You.




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